Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Episode 22: Wear Wolves

Tor and Chet are joined by Justin Koh and Griff Hazen from the Android Wear team. We talk about watches, notifications, watch faces, data, apps, services, and All Things Wear. You could say that we wear out the topic. You probably wouldn't, but you could.

Favorite word:

Favorite phrase:
"Eventually consistent"

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:

Overview of Wear Development
Creating a Wearable App
Android Wear UI
Android Wear Suppor Lib Reference
Watchfaces API
Data APIs


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Episode 21: Material Designification

Tor and Chet are joined by Kirill Grouchnikov from the Play Store team (What, again? Don't these guys know more than twenty developers?) about various aspects of implementing Material Design in applications, including handling releases prior to Android 5.0 Lollipop.

Favorite quote:
"It's like redesigning the whole pig"

Least favorite quote:
(I really need to learn where the edge of the metal table is when I'm moving a bottle of water. At least after I hit it the first time.)

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:

Material Design:
Creating Apps with Material Design