Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Episode 29: Tor vs. Chet

This time, Tor and Chet are joined by Chet and Tor when they are once again unexpectedly blown off by a special guest. Fortunately, there was plenty to talk about, including Google I/O, Android Studio 1.3, M Developer Preview, and the new Developing for Android series of articles.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:
What's New in Android (I/O talk)
What's New in Android Development Tools (I/O talk)
Android M Permissions (I/O talk)
Android M Developer Preview
M Developer Preview Bug Feedback
Android Studio (latest)
Developing for Android (Introduction + Contents)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Episode 28: Chiu-Ki Chat

This time, Tor and Chet are joined by Chiu-Ki Chan, an external developer and frequent presenter about Android developer. Hear us talk about custom views, watch faces, TextView, learning Chinese, libraries, and other random stuff.

Favorite quotes:
"To get room temperature water, mix cold water and hot water."
"Bust out that paper."

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:
Fit Cat
Technically Speaking newsletter
Android Custom Components
Advanced Android TextView
Monkey Write
Key promoter (Intellij plugin)
Watch face samples
